
The library and documentation provided here is part of a project named: Development of a geolocalization system based on wireless sensors for the Lama Guanicoe biological corridor study and preservation at the Salinas y Aguada Blanca National Reserve, Arequipa 1, developed by INICTEL-UNI and sponsored by CONCYTEC.

In this case, the library is oriented to help the application software for end devices in the Geolocalization system.

1. Project description

The project has the aim to develop a geolocalization system based on wireless communication technologies for sensor networks and trilateration algorithms adaptative to metheorological conditions which allow them to have long periods of autonomy, higher than 8 months, required to study the biological corridor and the distribution of the specie at the Salinas y Aguada Blanca National Reserve, Arequipa.

This project is linked to several topics such as IoT, long range wireless communication technologies and energy efficency. This require a embedded software development which is managed, to some extent, by the library described in this documentation.

If you are interested on more details about this project you could contact to the project leader or the research team shown below.

2. Project team

Team leader

Jimi Lezama <jinmilezama@gmail.com> (Embedded systems specialist)

Research team
LoRaWAN network server administrator

Oscar Llerena <ollerena@inictel-uni.edu.pe>

Documentation maintainer

Luighi Vitón <lviton@inictel-uni.edu.pe>


Translated from original name: Desarrollo de un sistema de geolocalización para el estudio del corredor biológico y conservación de la Lama Guanicoe en la Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca de la región Arequipa basado en sensores inalámbricos.